
What was the inspiration behind starting your brand, FLEUR 333? What motivated you? 

I’ve always felt deeply connected to Mother Nature and remember as a child intuitively understanding that each plant has unique magical healing qualities to share. I started using essential oils about 10 years ago and immediately felt a shift in my health for the better and what I had known as a child was reawakened. At this time I was in the process of switching all of my cleaning products for clean and environmentally friendly products and I made a cleaning solution using mexican lime. Every time I inhaled the aroma I felt lighter and more joyful! More energized! The difference was immediate. The next scent I used was lemongrass and again, I immediately felt a shift in my well-being. I dove in and began to learn everything I could about essential oils. I eventually began using them on my skin with amazing results. I began sharing my creations with family and friends and my passion for healing through skincare and beauty inspired me to found Fleur 333 - high vibe beauty.

2. When did you found FLEUR 333? How did you come up with the company name?

I founded Fleur 333 in 2015. Fleur - because of my love for flowers. 3 has always been my favorite number and has many magical meanings and associations. I go into more depth on our website on the “333” page. For me one special meaning of “333” is it represents a spiritual elixir developed by author and my life coach M.J. Rolek to activate vibrational harmony and live as a "divine force of Nature" grounded and centered in a chaotic, challenging world. It is something I practice everyday to help me show up and be my best! 

3Gs + 3Vs + 3Cs = Vibrational Harmony

3Gs - grounded, grateful, gorgeous. 

3Vs - vision, voice, vibes. TRUST YOURS! 

3Cs - clarity, compassion, courage. 

3. What was the first product you made? What was the inspiration behind it? How long did it take from conception to finished product, and what were the steps?

My first product was The Oil and I feel like the creation of The Oil was years in the making. The culmination of all I experienced and learned from that first time I inhaled the aroma of mexican lime so many years ago. The Oil is still our best seller and was created with the intention of harmonizing your energy and your skin. I still use it everyday! One of the main ingredients is rose otto, one of my favorite oils to use. Rose illuminates your cells and raises your vibration instantly. It is heart opening and beautifying. Healing on so many levels!

4. What is your process? Does it change with every product, or does it stay on the same path?

I will intuitively be drawn to different oils depending on where I am in my life and what I am currently experiencing. My own experience is always the inspiration behind each product. I create for myself and my family and then I share the creations through Fleur 333. 

5. How do your children and family inspire you and the path you are on? 

Ah, they inspire me for so many different reasons, in so many different ways. The most important work I have done on my journey has been learning what it means to truly love myself and put this into practice every single day. I do the inner work for myself, but my children are my constant source of inspiration and it is so important to me that I exemplify this for them. With Fleur 333 I want to show them what is possible with purpose, passion and hardwork. The oils and all of the products I make are things we use at home in our daily life to raise our vibration. They help to keep us healthy, uplifted and functioning at our best. That inspires me. I want to show up everyday for them as best as I can and my products help me to do that. 

6. What are the most purchased of all your products? Are they the simplest or hardest to produce?

Our most popular products are The Oil and Rose Toner. I hand-pour each bottle individually for all of our products so really the process is similar for all of them. 

7. How do you choose your materials? What is your favorite source?  

I always choose my materials based on quality and look for sources that have sustainable business practices in place, such as organic, fair trade and zero waste. One of my favorite sources is Mountain Rose Herbs. They are an amazing company. 

8. What is your favorite piece to make?

My favorite product to currently make is our Earth Angel Facial Oil. I love looking at the beautiful butterfly on the label and the flowers in it are some of my most favorite. There is iris, violet and two varieties of daffodil! So magical! 

9. What specifically was the inspiration for your first product?

The inspiration for our first product The Oil was to create a multitasking and energetically balanced oil to heal and harmonize all skin types. The Oil is just that. It is a cleanser, makeup remover and moisturizer all in one! As I mentioned I still use it every single day and I can feel a powerful shift immediately after using it. It is grounding, heart opening and uplifts my Spirit so I can begin my day feeling centered and peaceful. 

10. What is your favorite use for your products (other than the usual)? 

I use The Oil all over my body! It is great for breast massage, pregnant bellies and areas with cellulite. I use the Rose Toner in my daughter’s hair as a detangler and for all of the healing benefits! Plus her hair always smells good. 

11. How do you set a price on your skin care line?

I sit down and price out how much it costs to make each bottle, including all of the packaging. I factor in my time and the energy I am putting into it. This is quite tedious and definitely not my favorite part of the business. 

12. How do you feel when you sell one of your products?

So GRATEFUL! So so grateful to be doing what I love and sharing it with the world. I am forever grateful to all of our customers who support this dream of mine! 

13. Where did you grow up? How did you come to live in L.A.? 

I am originally from Blue Point, New York on Long Island and I went to school at Northeastern University in Boston. I always smile when people ask me this question. I followed a boy. My boyfriend at the time moved out here with his friends and I tagged along. Luckily one of my besties from college joined me. And one of my best girlfriends from childhood was also living out here and she had a big influence on my decision. So I guess it was a group effort! 

14. How are you planning on growing and expanding your business? Any new skin care products in the works?

Ah! I always have new skincare products in the works! My challenge is slowing down and focusing on growing the business with the products I already have out in the world. I am working on growing our online sales and looking for new retailers. 

15. Do you feel a social presence is necessary on multiple platforms to be successful in business today? What are your platforms/handles currently?

I do think that a social media presence is key for small businesses. I think if you are strong on one platform you don’t necessarily need to be juggling multiple platforms, but I don’t think it hurts. Currently I am on instagram (@Fleur333skin) and really have to work on being more present in that community and posting more. I also think building a mailing list is important to connect directly with your customers. 

16. What is your mission statement?

To boldly embody the essence of who you are - this is high vibe beauty. Through Fleur 333 I hope to inspire you to love yourself more and as flowers do, share your unique expression, or quintessence with the world. Intentionally incorporating our magical beauty potions in your skincare routine facilitates self-healing, illuminates your cells and raises your vibration to support and uplift you on your journey home. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve, support and inspire through beauty. 


17. Do you have other artistic ventures you are currently working on?

Not currently! I am always open to collaborations! 

18. As an entrepreneur, mother, and wife, how do you find ways to have alone time? How do you make time for your husband and date nights? 

Date nights?? Alone time?? What’s that?? 

All jokes aside, it is a daily challenge to find balance. My husband definitely deserves a date night and a little more attention. I am so grateful for him and all of the support he gives me. 

I homeschool my daughter Isabelle and also have my 2-year-old son home most days so I am busy! For me motherhood definitely comes first and my business has been slower to grow because of that. I do most of my work at night after bedtime and during the few hours I have to myself on Tuesday and Thursday. 

19. What would you say is avant-garde about FLEUR 333?

Changing the way we view beauty. Beauty is an inside job. When we feel beautiful we look beautiful! And self-love is the key. We see the word used A LOT … it’s very trendy right now, but I would say to truly love yourself and put that into practice everyday is avant-garde. 

20. What is your personal avant-garde presence and contribution to the world we live in today?

I hope to spread love and inspire others to love themselves enough to be curious about who they are and why they are here. I hope to inspire others to wake up and shine brightly, to be bold and pursue a life they love. I hope to inspire others to heal and experience JOY! 

As I mentioned above and share on my website all of my products and my brand are inspired in some way by my inner journey and my experiences as I’m learning (over and over and over again with the help of my amazing life coach M.J. Rolek) to truly love myself unconditionally. My journey continues every day, moment by moment and there is no end point. High vibe beauty is not something to be attained, it is something you become when you set the intention to be mindful and willing to blossom and show up every day to water the seed of enlightenment inside of you.

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